With our recent move to a larger storefront, there was a lot of thought that went into the general flow and feel of the space before the first product was unboxed. However, the space really came alive when we started layering product, colour, and texture. Regardless of how much physical room you have or what kind of product you sell,
Here are three rules we follow at Far + Wide to ensure our displays are always on point.
Go Bold
One of our favourite ways to build interest into the shop is to play with unexpected colour palettes. At the moment customers are greeted with a playful collection of Baggu bags and backpacks in eucalyptus, peach, leopard print, indigo, and chartreuse. These pops of colour are balanced with lots of neutrals to ensure the overall look isn’t too much but we love this hit of unexpectedness as well as the opportunity it provides to broaden how our customers think of colour and pattern.
Do-It-Yourself: put one of everything on the shelf and see what colours draw your eye. Look for colours in the same family and don’t be afraid to mix warm and cool tones. Cluster items until you’re happy with the result. Pulling colours from a pattern or piece of art is a great design hack we’ve stolen from watching too much HGTV

Photo Credit: Sevan Photography
Show Off
Brianne and I had very little retail experience prior to opening Far + Wide. One lesson I’ll never forget from my college days working at Smart Set is to make it easy for customers. Whether on a mannequin or as part of a styled vignette, the items on display should be within arms reach for easy shopping. This also makes it possible to build a pretty display that isn’t immediately picked over by shoppers.
Do-It-Yourself: Utilize a harder to reach area or top shelf and build a display using the products from your chosen colour palette. Decorate like you would at home, pulling items together to form a cohesive display. Build out the rest of the shelving for function with simple rows of product within reach for easy shopping.

Photo Credit: Sevan Photography
Layer Up
Just like a great plate of food, retail displays need depth. When we moved, we chose deeper wall shelves and larger tables that would allow us to layer items into the displays, play with height, and hang art to create visual interest. Sometimes all a good display needs to make it great is a few more inches.
Do-It-Yourself: Pick an item that stacks nicely, like some books or boxed candles, and see how you can add height to your display. Try stacking a couple books flat and then standing one up, while pyramids and cubes of stacked product add height while looking simple and modern.
One of the best compliments we receive is when someone comments on how pretty the store is. From that initial google search “how to buy wholesale” we love looking back and seeing how much Far + Wide has grown and changed through trial and error. So if you’re unsure just jump in, if it doesn’t work try something different, and if all else fails just put a plant there and call it a day.

Photo Credit: Sevan Photography
Far + Wide recently opened its NEW retail storefront in downtown Kamloops at 353 Victoria Street. Visit in-store or shop online. Join the 11,000+ people that follow their journey on Instagram.
Contributing Author:
Calli Duncan,
Co-Owner of Far + Wide & Botanical Scene
Calli is a co-owner of Far + Wide and Botanical Scene in downtown Kamloops. When not at work Calli likes to hang out with her dachshund Rosie, tend to her 100+ houseplants, and enjoy a pint on the patio.
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