April 6, 2022
The Kamloops & District Chamber of Commerce acknowledges City of Kamloops supplemental budget items decision
KAMLOOPS – The Kamloops & District Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) applauds the City of Kamloops’ effort to keep the 2022 property tax increase to below 4.99 per cent.
In January, the Chamber publicly expressed concern regarding the provisional budgeted property tax increase for 2022 at 4.89%. Since that point, the Chamber worked to understand the priorities from the business community and City staff and provided recommendations on which supplemental items were supported by the Chamber, in addition to attending the public budget consultation.
The City of Kamloops approved some supplemental budget items, with the tax rate expected to be 4.92%. slightly below where the Chamber had recommended. Keeping the tax increase as low as possible is important to the Chamber, whose member businesses have experienced tremendous pressures over the past two years due to COVID, natural disaster events and global uncertainty in addition to rising costs of doing business.
The Chamber appreciates the opportunity to engage with the City to bring member interests forward and recognizes the City’s commitment to working with the business community, and community at large.
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Acacia Pangilinan
Executive Director
Kamloops & District Chamber of Commerce
P: 778-257-5900
E: acacia@kamloopschamber.ca