Kamloops & District Chamber of Commerce News

Five Key Findings from Studying the Laneways in Kamloops

Kamloops is well-situated in the heart of British Columbia’s Southern central part and is easily traveled by road, air, and rail. The city of Kamloops is located on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory, situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemc Nation.  

Known as Canada’s tournament capital, Kamloops city has to offer untamed nature and scenic views as well as adventure activities and wine and breweries in the town. 

Five Key Findings while studying Laneways in Downtown Kamloops:

I have found that during the daytime the human scale presence was around 57 on average; so pedestrian users are quite enough in numbers to consider revitalizing these back alleys for multiple uses by adding activities for all ages of people who access these areas to pass through or intercept, although people are just using these alleys for a shorter period to just walk up to their vehicle, parking, or for work purposes. However, the idea of creating vibrant back-alleys in the downtown can be evolved around to make it more relevant to the needs of the locals and enhance the cultural identity of the destination like arts, sports, cultural events, science, and local markets.   

While researching I talked to a few local business workers in the alley, and people seemed quite curious and open to this project of activating these laneways for creating positive social changes or benefits for the people of Kamloops. Decreasing undesirable activities during day and night in the spaces was the most dominant topic during the conversation.  Still, locals are more ready to discuss how and what could be ways for accommodating everyone’s needs if a shared vision of the community’s welfare would be created to bring people together.  

Vehicle traffic and parking are one of the most important factors to resolve to create a space for potential engaging activities for tourists and residents as well as businesses. As per the findings, the pedestrian numbers are competitive with the numbers of vehicles in the alleys at least if not more. Although, there are 22 pedestrians in the laneway compared to only 2 service vehicles per hour. Ideally, the places must connect people through pleasant physical structure, knowledge, games, and events. Thus, if vehicle parking could be more organized in these alleys, then various ideas can come to the real picture of using empty spaces in multiple ways while offering social value to the people.  

Mural arts and painting also seemed like the most attractive feature to invite people to the space as the place looks more beautiful and friendly. During the observation, people were seen coming to see the Mural art wall to take pictures and their group selfies against the Graffiti wall in one of the alleys.  

Lastly, the overall research finding was that assisting marginalized groups with the help of government support should include fundamental needs and housing resolution to these groups, so that public places can be maintained and secured, and people can feel more positive exploring the idea of change.  

Please let us know your comments below on how to create useful places in the community!


Contributing Author

Nupur Sonkar

Tourism Destination Development Student

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The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce is situated on the traditional and unceded lands of the Tk'emlups Te Secwepemc within Secwepemc'ulucw, the traditional territory of the Secwepemc people. We are honored to live and work and play on this land and acknowledge the complicated history and humbly move forward in a spirit of collaboration and gratitude.